To Inspire Your Own Ultra-Premium Offer Journey

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  • 1x$100K Offer Interview Series$197

All prices in USD

Watch 27 interviews with Icons currently selling their offers for 100k+

From all sorts of niches

From all sorts of locations

With all sorts of expertise

And every single offer and market is different!

Inspire your own journey today, and you'll also receive a bonus wrap-up from the Queen of 100k Offers, Kathryn Porritt, with a workshop giving you the rundown on the common threads, how to sell 100k Offers and things that are working right now for her Iconic clients.


"I Sold a $400k Offer in Week One."

“I just want to share the HUGE breakthrough that happened today. I identified the perfect client. After some in-depth discussions, she not only signed, but requested to INCREASE the deliverables to have me handle more parts of it. This is a 400K plus deal. Now I can absolutely see exactly what my 1 million offer looks like. I am not even a week into working with this team. To say my world has changed is the ultimate understatement! I AM SO EXCITED!”


Disclaimer: My role is to support and assist you in reaching your own goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment, and follow-through. I cannot predict, and I do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on his or her unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this Website. You are solely responsible for your results.

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